Ar tikrai į senus Disnėjaus animacinius filmukus specialiai įpiešti „chemtreilai“?
Delfi Lietuva,
Makiaveliškasis Disnėjus sumokėjo 60 mln. dolerių, kad į senus Disnėjaus animacinius filmus būtų įpiešti chemtreilai.
Makiaveliškasis Disnėjus sumokėjo 60 mln. dolerių, kad į senus Disnėjaus animacinius filmus būtų įpiešti chemtreilai.
Velniai ir Gegužės 1-ąją dirba. 2024-05-01 Vilnius vėl gausiai purškiamas „kondensatu“.
Many people believe at least one conspiracy theory. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing conspiracies do happen.
Many people believe at least one conspiracy theory. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing – conspiracies do happen.
Feb. 20, 2024, 12:59 p.m. A study of 498 Australians and New Zealanders finds “no evidence that individual beliefs in…
A new study shows falling down a rabbit hole isn’t a typical experience. Researchers Matt Williams, John Kerr and Mathew…
People can change their minds about conspiracy theories Many people believe at least one conspiracy theory.
Melbourne, Feb 19 (The Conversation) Many people believe at least one conspiracy theory.
By Matt Williams, John Kerr and Mathew Marques* of Many people believe at least one conspiracy theory.
Many people conspiracy theory. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing – conspiracies do happen.
Many people believe at least one conspiracy theory. And that isn't necessarily a bad thing - conspiracies do happen.
Many people believe at least one conspiracy theory. And that isn’t necessarily a bad thing – conspiracies do happen.
Tekst se nastavlja ispod oglasa TZV. CHEMTRAILSI, tragovi koje ispuštaju zrakoplovi, a koji navodno sadrže otrovne biološke i…
Palite cigaretu i sjedate u svoj, prema hrvatskom prosjeku, 15 godina star dizelski automobili te na putu do omiljenog fast…
Redacion RDN Aunque no es nueva, la teoría conspirativa de los chemtrails sobre las estelas blancas que se ven en el cielo se…
Aunque no es nueva, la teoría conspirativa de los chemtrails sobre las estelas blancas que se ven en el cielo se ha viralizado…
La audiencia de Univision Noticias consultó a elDetector, a través de nuestro chatbot de WhatsApp, sobre la verdad de los ‘chemtr…
En los últimos meses ha proliferado, especialmente por redes sociales, la creencia de que el Gobierno está manipulando el clima.
La historia ronda desde hace más de una década y tanto es así que; allá por 2011, en una encuesta y según recuerda estos días…
La història ronda des de fa més d'una dècada i tant és així que; allà per 2011, en una enquesta i segons recorda aquests dies…
Seguramente tengas algún amigo que en alguna ocasión, mirando al cielo, haya levantado el dedo hacia la estela de un avión para…
Como casi todas las teorías de la conspiración, los chemtrails (unión de las palabras inglesas chemical y trails, estelas química…
Barcelona 02/05/2023 11:38 Actualizado a 02/05/2023 11:52 Poner en duda algunas afirmaciones y contrastar algunas informaciones…
(Photo: Pexels/ Eren Li) 5 Outrageous Conspiracy Theories in Science There are various conspiracy theories that you may have…
Si solo tienes unos segundos, lee estas líneas sobre la teoría de conspiración de los chemtrails: Se han viralizado varias…
"ستلاحظون زيادة في الضباب في كل مكان في العالم، هذا كيمتريل لكي تمرضوا. ضعوا فحم شواء غير مستعمل قرب الشبابيك لتقليل خطره".
The claim: Meme implies contrails cause respiratory illnesses A Jan. 2 Facebook post (direct link, archive link) features a…
The claim: Meme implies contrails cause respiratory illnesses A Jan. 2 Facebook post (direct link, archive link) features a…
- NewsBreak The claim: Meme implies contrails cause respiratory illnesses A Jan.
The claim: Meme implies contrails cause respiratory illnesses A Jan. 2 Facebook post (, archive link) features a meme showing…
Belated Merry Christmas in 2022 to all of my non-contrarian Medium article readers, in this article I’ll be tackling a recycled…
Conspiracy. Just saying the word in conversation can make people politely edge away, looking for someone who won’t corner them…
From a faked moon landing to wild ideas about JFK's assassination, conspiracy theories and believers abound.
- NewsBreak Conspiracy. Just saying the word in conversation can make people politely edge away, looking for someone who won't…
Aptuveni nedēļas laikā sociālajā medijā Facebook jau 13 tūkstošu redzeslokā nonācis interneta raidījums, kurā šova vadītāja un…
MADRID, 18 Oct. (Verificat / EUROPA PRESS) - Un mensaje que circula en algunos grupos de Telegram afirma que cuatro…
2 images Des traces de passages d’avions sont considérées par certains observateurs comme étant des nuages de produits chimiques.
„Šiandien virš Klaipėdos pabarstė vitaminų. Klausimas: ar vis dar yra abejojančių chemtrailais?“, – klausė nuotraukomis…
Chemtrails– de complottheorie dat de witte strepen die achteruit vliegtuigen komen onderdeel zijn van een overheidsprogramma om…
The condensation trails (contrails) of an Airbus A340 jet over London. Credit: Adrian Pingstone It’s no secret that air traffic…
We're happy you're here! Welcome to Mother Nature Network, where curiosity rules and living well is the goal.
Seguramente tengas algn amigo que en alguna ocasin, mirando al cielo, haya levantado el dedo hacia la estela de un avin para…
Last spring, Harvard climate scientist David Keith announced that he and a colleague intended to proceed with small-scale…
La théorie selon laquelle les traînées blanches que l’on voit dans le ciel derrière les avions — appelées chemtrails — sont des…
Chemtrails—the theory that the white streaks seen behind airplanes are part of a secret government spraying program—is one of…
If you’ve ever wondered why airplanes leave cloud-like trails in their wake, conspiracy theorists have a wacky idea.
You'll have to read them to believe them (or not). Airplanes spray mind-control chemicals Lucky Business/Shutterstock If you’ve…
Q: Is NASA “spraying Americans with lithium and other chemicals”? A: No. The space agency uses such materials, which are also…
The conspiracy-minded will shout “chemtrails.” Of course that’s nonsense. But just what is creating these clouds? The northeast…
Artykuł pierwotnie ukazał się na MOTHERBOARD Hej, czy wierzycie, że smugi kondensacyjne, czyli „chmury", które powstają za lecący…
Que no te lixem as frias! Por um vero com cus limpos! Bronzeia-te sem fumigaes!.
From flat-earthers to anti-vaxxers to climate deniers, conspiracy theorists are not often treated with compassion and respect.
Avez-vous déjà entendu parler de la théorie des « chemtrails » ? Cette hypothèse complotiste affirme que les traînées laissées…
SmartNews Keeping you current an hour ago These days it's a common sight: hazy streaks crisscrossing the sky…
Sunday, August 21, 2016, 08:36 Some groups and individuals erroneously believe that the long-lasting condensation trails, or…
Please enable Javascript to watch this video Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory.
Please enable Javascript to watch this video Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory.
Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory. But, a team of scientists has debunked the one about the government controlling…
Everyone loves a good conspiracy theory. But, a team of scientists has debunked the one about the government controlling…
Le scie chimiche: queste sostanze che dovrebbero contenere agenti chimici o batteriologici e che vengono vaporizzate sulla…
© Utilisé avec la permission de © Rogers Media Inc. 2016. Photo: Unsplash/Pixabay Les traces laissées dans le ciel par les…
INAF - Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (via noodls) / In un articolo su Environment Re Letter esperti analizzano le 'prove…
Photo: Unsplash/Pixabay Les traces laissées dans le ciel par les avions seraient-elles en réalité de longues traînées de…
Photo: Unsplash/Pixabay Les traces laissées dans le ciel par les avions seraient-elles en réalité de longues traînées de…
Dal fatto che si tratta di scie di vapore fino al perché sono sempre più frequenti e persistenti.
Especialistas assumem que não querem convencer aqueles que há muito acreditam nesta teoria.
You look up to a beautiful blue sky as a plane flies past, long trails of white “smoke” hanging in the sky behind it.
La leyenda de los chemtrails es una de las conspiraciones que más eco está teniendo en los últimos años.
Una manifestazione a Modena contro il nulla. Foto di Laura Tonini Una delle cose che preferisco in chi crede alle scie chimiche è…
Forse stanchi delle chiacchiere da bar, gli scienziati della University of California, Irvine, in collaborazione con il…
An den Kondensstreifen am Himmel schieden sich die Geister. (dpa) Die weißen Streifen hoch oben am Himmel sind für die meisten…
Ett amerikanskt forskarlag har publicerat en studie av det annorlunda slaget. Resultatet: De vita kondensstrimmor som uppstår…
© EFE Un dron vuela bajo la estela de un avión comercial. La élite de los científicos atmosféricos niega la existencia de un…
TEKNIKSVEPET. Nasas vill bygga robot som hjälper astronauterna under resa till Mars.
La élite de los científicos atmosféricos niega la existencia de un programa secreto dedicado a fumigar a la población desde…
Irvine – Chemtrails, angeblich manipulierte Kondensstreifen von Flugzeugen, sind eine der beliebtesten Verschwörungstheorien.
Seventy-six of 77 atmospheric scientists responding to a survey agree these are contrails – composed primarily of water in the…
Seventy-six of 77 atmospheric scientists responding to a survey agree these are contrails – composed primarily of water in the…
The scientific community has finally put its foot down on the conspiracy theory that won't seem to fade away The secret world…
Scientists try to counter the stubborn 'chemtrail' conspiracy theory - Alaska Dispatch News Nation/World Author: Updated: 10…
All together now: There is no such thing as chemtrails. (ep_jhu/Flickr) Can someone put this in the “hilarious science” hall of…
SCIENCE - Elle n'est pas aussi populaire que les Illuminati, mais vous avez surement entendu parler de cette théorie du complot.
The next time you ponder those white, cloud-like streaks painted across the sky, remember this newly published paper before…
Despite conspiracy theories, white aircraft trails in the sky aren’t harmful chemicals sprayed from planes, according to a new…
Gibt es Chemtrails wirklich? Werden wir tatsächlich mit Stoffen, die von Flugzeugen im Himmel ausgestoßen werden, gelenkt?
White trails from airplanes fill the morning sky over a television aerial.(Photo: Inner_Vision, Getty Images/iStockphoto…
"Despite the persistence of erroneous theories about atmospheric chemical spraying programmes, until now there were no peer-revie…
If you're fascinated with conspiracy theories, you've probably come across one involving those streaks that jet aircraft leave…